Run the installation script
Run it using:
When prompted about Java information, press Enter
to continue.
After installation is complete, you'll see the IP address Jenkins is available at and a admin account to login with.
Jenkins should be available at http://<ip>:8080
Login with: admin / <generated password>
Installed software
- Curl
- Unzip
- Java 8
- Jenkins, with plugins
- pipeline-model-definition
- pipeline-stage-view
- slack
- checkstyle
- cloverphp
- crap4j
- dry
- htmlpublisher
- pmd
- violations
- warnings
- xunit
- git
- greenballs
- PHP, with extension
- php-cli
- php-xdebug
- php-xsl
- php-dom
- php-zip
- php-mbstring
- Composer
- Global PHP packages
- phpunit/phpunit
- squizlabs/php_codesniffer
- phpmd/phpmd
- sebastian/phpcpd
- jakub-onderka/php-parallel-lint
Additional PHP extensions
If your application requires other extensions than the default ones provided, simply install them yourself. If you wanted to install the curl and gd extensions for example, replace the version with the PHP version you chose:
sudo apt-get install -y php7.2-curl php7.2-gd
First login
Navigate to the URL provided by the installer script. You'll be presented with this screen where you enter the provided admin password:
After logging in you'll be given the option to install plugins. Since the installer already have installed the plugins you need, just press the X
in the top right corner to continue.
Then simply click Start using Jenkins
White screen?
If you get just a white page of nothing after you do this, restart the Jenkins service by running:
sudo service jenkins restart
Then refresh the page.
You'll now be met by Jenkins start page.