Install Jeeves and generate configuration

Add it to your dependencies with

composer require --dev modess/jeeves

Now run it to generate the files for your project.

./vendor/bin/jeeves generate

Install additional PHP packages

If you want more control over the tools and versions of them you're running, add them to your projects' dependencies. Otherwise they'll be installed globally on your Jenkins server.

  • phpunit/phpunit: Run unit tests and generate code coverage
  • squizlabs/php_codesniffer: Checking that code styles follows a standard
  • phpmd/phpmd: Check code complexity
  • sebastian/phpcpd: Check for code duplication
  • jakub-onderka/php-parallel-lint: Fast PHP linting in parallel

PHPUnit configuration file

You need to manually add a configuration file for PHPUnit with code coverage. How that looks depends on your application, here are some examples:

Save it as phpunit.xml.dist in your project and add phpunit.xml to your .gitignore file so you can override it. If you change the build directory when generating the files for your project, update the file accordingly.

Commit the files to your repository and push them to your remote.